Peaches and Climate Change

Anchoring student learning in locally relevant problems and solutions: An example storyline from the Climate Education Pathways project


Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM – 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center – B304

Phenomenon-driven learning is becoming increasingly more central in science education since the release of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and NGSS. Most high-quality curriculum currently available are designed for widespread relevance. However, teaching content areas like climate change presents a unique problem because using phenomena with widespread relevance becomes disconnected from the real problems that students are experiencing in their communities now. As part of the Climate Education Pathways project, teachers co-design units with curriculum developers so that portions of the unit are grounded in local phenomena, problems, and solutions. In this session, participants will 1) experience, in student hat, a localized anchoring phenomenon designed for students in the southeast U.S., 2) reflect on the storyline that unfolds from this anchoring experience and consider the benefits and trade-offs of localizing a unit in terms of student learning and perceived relevance.

Anchoring student learning in local phenomena and problems can tap into students’ interest and perceived relevance of science learning to their life and community. A storyline based on local problems also position students to for meaningful activities for future learning and taking action now.

Enya Granados (Ms., GA), Audrey Mohan (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO), Lindsey Mohan (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO),

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Climate Education Pathways is work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (DRL-2100808). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Material & content copyright © 2022 BSCS Science Learning. All rights reserved.


Image Credits: [Coho Salmon] – Oregon Department of Forestry, CC BY 2.0.      [Peaches] – Ivanna Kykla.     [Pine Nuts] – Dcrjsr, CC BY 3.0.      [Beetlekill and Healthy Trees] – UBC Micrometeorology, CC BY 2.0.      [Pika] – Tiziana Bardelli, CC BY-SA 4.0