Heidi Roop

Team member: Heidi Roop, (key personnel; advisor)

Organization: University of Minnesota

Currently lives:  Saint Paul, MN


Experience or expertise/projects of note:

Climate scientist working on a range of projects to increase the use of climate science in decision-making; Extension specialist focused on climate solutions and adaptation; on leadership team for Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center and Director for Knowledge Transfer of a new NSF Science and Technology Center called COLDEX. Currently writing a book called Every Action Matters about a range of systems-based and individual actions to help address the climate crisis.

Reasons I’m excited about this project:

I have so much to learn from the team! I’m excited to surface climate solutions at a range of scales in this work. There are so many great stories that we can tell and ways to build agency!

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Climate Education Pathways is work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (DRL-2100808). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Material & content copyright © 2022 BSCS Science Learning. All rights reserved.


Image Credits: [Coho Salmon] – Oregon Department of Forestry, CC BY 2.0.      [Peaches] – Ivanna Kykla.     [Pine Nuts] – Dcrjsr, CC BY 3.0.      [Beetlekill and Healthy Trees] – UBC Micrometeorology, CC BY 2.0.      [Pika] – Tiziana Bardelli, CC BY-SA 4.0