Jim Pellegrino


Team member: Jim Pellegrino

Organization: University of Illinois Chicago

Currently lives: downtown Chicago in the loop area


Experience or expertise/projects of note:

Part of the NRC Framework Committee, co-chaired NRC Committee on assessing the NGSS, funded by NSF and foundations to develop assessments for the NGSS for classroom formative use at MS and ES, was part of a team funded by NSF focused on climate change education with emphasis on zoos and aquariums, PI of project leading to revision of AP bio, chemistry and physics curriculum frameworks and assessments.

Reasons I’m excited about this project: 

It’s really important and needed and it poses a number of real design and implementation challenges to come up with something that can work and is transportable/generalizable  across schools, districts and states.

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Climate Education Pathways is work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (DRL-2100808). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Material & content copyright © 2022 BSCS Science Learning. All rights reserved.


Image Credits: [Coho Salmon] – Oregon Department of Forestry, CC BY 2.0.      [Peaches] – Ivanna Kykla.     [Pine Nuts] – Dcrjsr, CC BY 3.0.      [Beetlekill and Healthy Trees] – UBC Micrometeorology, CC BY 2.0.      [Pika] – Tiziana Bardelli, CC BY-SA 4.0