BSCS Science Tracks: Connecting Science & Literacy
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BSCS has determined that we can no longer recommend the use of this resource because it is out of date or we are no longer able to provide support for it. We are continuing to make this page and the resources linked to it available so that members of the educational community can review and learn from it.
Children are naturally inquisitive. That is one of the many reasons why it is important to engage students in science at a young age. With access to a high quality science education, students can channel their curiosities to help make sense of the world around them.
BSCS Science Learning’s elementary program allows preK through grade 5 students to interact like scientists, participating in inquiry-based activities while also developing important reading, writing, and critical-thinking skills. BSCS Science Tracks: Connecting Science & Literacy offers four modules—life science, earth & space science, physical science, and science & technology—for each grade level.
BSCS recently revised two units to align with the Next Generation Science Standards. These units are: Investigating Properties Student Guide and Investigating Ecosystems Student Guide. All units are available for purchase through Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.