Transforming science education through research-driven innovation


Darwin Day 2025

This Darwin Day we are highlighting the important contributions to science by Dr. Juan Pablo “JP” Carvallo, whose research on energy and electricity is currently making an impact everywhere from policy decisions to high school physics classrooms.

February 11, 2025


Annual Report 2023

In this report, we focus on how research drives our work. We share our latest insights and consider how research will continue to inform innovation at BSCS.

December 16, 2024


What can we do to make driving safe for everyone?

BSCS is on a constant pursuit to engage students in science they’ll be motivated to use throughout their lives and careers.

October 21, 2024


Remembering Manert Kennedy

Manert Kennedy served as Associate Director for 17 years and made an undeniable impact on science teaching and learning nationwide.

June 25, 2024


BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life Professional Learning Webinars

Join us for a free webinar about professional learning for our newest high school biology program.

March 26, 2024


Darwin Day 2024

This Darwin Day, we are shining the spotlight on a scientist who is close to home: Dr. Rodolfo Dirzo, a dedicated member of the BSCS board of directors and the Bing professor in environmental science at Stanford University.

February 12, 2024


BSCS Science Learning and Partners Awarded $4M Research Grant by the US Department of Education to Impact Middle School Science

Research grant awarded to investigate the potential far-reaching impact of a promising new middle school science program.

December 19, 2023


BSCS Science Learning Among Recipients of Department of Education’s $277 Million in New Grant Awards

BSCS receives EIR funding for "Engaging Science Learning with OpenSciEd."

December 5, 2023


Let’s Change Science Education

Precious Nwazota is one of many teachers with a great story to share about BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life.

November 2, 2023


Exclusive Future of Science Education Webinar

Get an inside look at our vision for the future of science education in this exclusive webinar presented by Daniel Edelson, BSCS Executive Director.

September 14, 2023


EdReports recognizes Colorado Springs science program creator with ‘all-green’ ratings

The Gazette covers BSCS's newest high school program, BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life.

June 24, 2023


BSCS Science Learning’s New High School Biology Program Earns “All-Green” Ratings from EdReports

BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life becomes the first green-lit high school science program.

June 6, 2023


In Loving Memory of Ed Drexler: Pioneer for BSCS

Henry “Ed” Drexler was a pioneer of BSCS textbooks and beloved high school biology teacher for 67 years. He dedicated his career to tapping into the inquisitive spirits of students through meaningful biology education, and remained closely connected to BSCS through it all.

March 28, 2023


Darwin Day 2023

Darwin Day is a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Charles Darwin on February 12, 1809. The day is used to highlight Darwin's contributions to science and to promote science in general.

February 12, 2023


OpenSciEd Middle School Science Program Earns “All-Green” Ratings from EdReports

EdReports gave the OpenSciEd Middle School program green ratings on all three benchmarks: designed for the next generation science standards; coherence and scope; and usability.

February 7, 2023


A Special Update from Molly Stuhlsatz, BSCS Associate Director for People & Culture

This October, our entire staff came together, in person, for the first time in 992 days.

December 19, 2022


Celebrating Cindy Gay, Recipient of the Boettcher Foundation’s 2022 Alumni Recognition Award

Cindy Gay is a 2022 recipient of the Boettcher Foundation’s Alumni Recognition Award.

December 19, 2022


Support Today’s Science Educators and Learners

It’s been an eventful year at BSCS Science Learning. This spring, we released two major instructional materials programs for middle and high school students nationwide, including our new flagship biology program, BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life.

November 16, 2022


OpenSciEd Announces Development of Elementary Science Program

This fall, OpenSciEd will launch the development of an elementary science program.

October 13, 2022


Exclusive Anchored Inquiry Learning Webinar

You are invited to an inside look at BSCS Science Learning’s latest innovation in instructional materials design!

August 22, 2022


Meet Dr. Nancy Hopkins-Evans, BSCS Associate Director for Program Impact

Nancy shares how science education has impacted her experiences and identity.

August 3, 2022


BSCS Statement on Gun Violence

BSCS remains committed to students, teachers, and their communities, and to the ongoing work of building science education for a more just and sustainable world.

July 5, 2022


Introducing the Next Generation of BSCS Instructional Materials

We are excited to share BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life, our new, full-year high school biology program, and OpenSciEd Middle School, a three-year, open-access middle school science program.

February 8, 2022


Darwin Day 2022

Darwin Day is a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Charles Darwin on February 12, 1809. The day is used to highlight Darwin's contributions to science and to promote science in general.

February 12, 2022


Help Us Ensure All Students from All Backgrounds are Prepared for Life in the 21st Century

At BSCS, we believe science education is the key. We have a 60-year history of research-driven innovation. And right now, we are focused on bringing our programs to districts and schools that are being left behind.

November 8, 2021


Climate Education Pathways (CLIM8)

Help us design a climate education unit that your students will find interesting and connects to your community’s priorities.

October 26, 2021


BSCS Science Learning and Kendall Hunt Announce New High School Biology Program

Introducing BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life.

September 14, 2021


Learning from Kilo

The Restoring Ea Middle School Science Unit is a place-based, three-dimensional, and phenomenon-focused unit specifically designed for seventh grade teachers and students in central O'ahu.

August 30, 2021


Making Waves: Teaching Radio to Youth and the Public

Radio frequencies enable us to use our cell phones every day to communicate to people around the world.

April 9, 2021


Darwin Day 2021

Darwin Day is a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Charles Darwin on February 12, 1809. The day is used to highlight Darwin's contributions to science and to promote science in general.

February 12, 2021


Help Create a Higher-Quality Science Education

A donation to BSCS is a direct contribution to more-inclusive, meaningful, and effective science education.

November 19, 2020


“Inside the Classroom” with Holly Hereau

An interview with BSCS Science Educator and PAEMST recipient.

September 18, 2020


Reporting Findings to Decision-Makers and Project Participants

Dr. Chris Wilson discusses the importance of sharing research results to a broad range of audiences in a recent DRK-12 blog.

August 10, 2020


BSCS Statement on Black Lives Matter

We stand in solidarity with BLACK LIVES MATTER.

June 3, 2020


“Inside the Classroom” with Rachel Buckley

BSCS interviews a Massachusetts-based 7th grade science teacher.

April 22, 2020


BSCS Launches Invitations to Inquiry to Help Students Work with Citizen Science Data

Invitations to Inquiries are short learning experiences using data from projects hosted on FieldScope.

April 21, 2020


BSCS Helps Students, Parents, and Teachers Connect with Nature

New resource recommends individual practices and exercises.

April 15, 2020


BSCS Science Learning Publishes Research Findings, Tools, and Data Sets Related to Student and Teacher Outcomes in Science

Throughout an 8-year line of work, BSCS reviewed hundreds of studies in science education and analyzed how various study characteristics impacted results.

April 9, 2020


Remembering Jack L. Carter

Jack Carter served as BSCS's Executive Director from 1982-1985.

March 26, 2020


Education Week Covers How an OpenSciEd Unit Is Used in the Classroom

A 7th grade science teacher has been thinking about how to make her science instruction more equitable.

March 5, 2020


Celebrating Darwin Day 2020

Darwin Day is a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Charles Darwin on February 12, 1809. The day is used to highlight Darwin's contributions to science and to promote science in general.

February 12, 2020


“Inside the Classroom” with Brittany Hubert

BSCS interviews a KY-based 11th grade biology teacher.

December 9, 2019


Fossil Discovery Near BSCS Science Learning Headquarters

Interview with the team’s research leaders, vertebrate paleontologist Tyler Lyson, and paleobotanist Ian Miller, both of whom are curators at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

November 18, 2019


Support BSCS

Invest in the future of science teaching and learning with a donation to BSCS today.

November 3, 2019


Education Week Covers BSCS’s $8M Grant to Advance STeLLA Professional Learning Program

BSCS will scale, refine, test, and sustain STeLLA® with US Department of Education grant.

October 14, 2019


BSCS Science Learning Awarded $8 Million Research Grant by US Department of Education

5-year grant to help address a national need in elementary science.

September 30, 2019


The Journal Features OpenSciEd Curriculum

OpenSciEd is rolling out one of the first curricula that both aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards and, as an open science education resource, is free.

September 23, 2019


Education Week Covers Release of OpenSciEd Instructional Materials

BSCS leads development of open source middle grades science program.

September 3, 2019


EdSource Covers OpenSciEd In California

OpenSciEd plans to release its first set of materials in August 2019, in the form of PDFs and Google Docs, for grades 6, 7 and 8.

August 12, 2019


BSCS Science Learning Releases 3-D Middle School Life Science Curriculum Program: A Medical Mystery

New program supports educators who are navigating Next Generation Science.

August 12, 2019


An Interview about Ebola with Dr. Mark Bloom, BSCS Science Educator

BSCS offers free resource to educate public about Ebola.

August 8, 2019


“Inside the Classroom” with Iwona Jadamiec

BSCS interviews a NJ-based 7th grade life science teacher.

August 8, 2019


BSCS Science Learning Unveils New Website

BSCS launches a new website that reflects the organization’s 21st century brand identity.

April 9, 2019


Celebrating Darwin Day 2019

Darwin Day is a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Charles Darwin on February 12, 1809. The day is used to highlight Darwin's contributions to science and to promote science in general.

February 12, 2019


Education Week Features BSCS’s STeLLA Research

EdWeek explores BSCS's line of research on its STeLLA® teacher professional learning program.

August 16, 2018


New BSCS Report Presents Guidelines for Designing Citizen Science Projects that Merge Science and Education

BSCS Science Learning has released a report that presents guidelines for designing citizen science projects with scientific and educational benefits.

July 25, 2018


$3 Million Federal Grant to Impact Colorado Science Teacher Preparation

A federal grant was awarded to BSCS Science Learning and will fund a five-year STeLLA CO2 project, starting this month in partnership with University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; and University of Northern Colorado, Greeley.

April 16, 2018


BSCS 60th Anniversary Announcement

BSCS celebrates 60th anniversary in 2018 and changes name to BSCS Science Learning.

March 14, 2018


ABC-TV Louisville Features STeLLA High School Program

Local TV segment covers BSCS’s STeLLA® professional learning program with educators in Jefferson County Public Schools, Kentucky.

October 13, 2017
