Five Tools and Processes for Translating the NGSS
Nineteen US states—representing nearly forty percent of students—have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). An additional 20 states have developed their own standards influenced by the Framework for K-12 Science Education. A district’s decision to introduce new science standards can be highly rewarding for teachers and students, especially when supported by an intentional process for planning and implementation.
BSCS Science Learning and its collaborators designed Five Tools and Processes to help professional development leaders work with teachers on curriculum, instruction, and assessment to achieve the vision of NGSS. At the heart of the Five Tools is the translation of science concepts, practices, and performance expectations into a plan for NGSS-aligned units of instruction.
All Five Tools resources are freely available.
This resource was developed in partnership with American Museum of Natural History and K-12 Alliance at WestEd and was funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York.