Assessment Study Opportunity for Middle School Science Teachers
We are actively recruiting for an OpenSciEd assessment study during the 2025-2026 school year.
High School Biology Assessment Pilot
We are recruiting high school science teachers to participate in a biology assessment study.
Teaching Next Generation Science: In-Person Workshops
BSCS offers two-day workshops designed for a specific grade band, targeting particular science and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts, and highlighting an energy-focused or earth science-focused phenomenon.
ESLO in Louisiana
We are looking for Louisiana teachers with varying experience teaching with OpenSciEd to participate in professional learning that will focus on implementing the materials so that instruction is responsive to the interests and needs of your students.
Teaching Next Generation Science: Virtual Workshops
Our three-day virtual professional learning workshops are designed for a specific grade band, targeting particular science and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts, and highlighting an energy-focused or earth science-focused phenomenon.
Professional Development Provider Institutes
The next series of Professional Development Provider Institutes (PDPI) will kick-off on September 9-12, 2025.
Registration-based Teacher Institutes for BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life
BSCS invites individuals or small groups from your school or district to attend one of our two-day or one-day, virtual institutes.