Candice Guy-Gaytán

Research Scientist
Dr. Candice Guy-Gaytán (Lenape) is a citizen of the Delaware Tribe of Indians and descends from the strong women of the wolf clan. She is a research scientist in Instructional Materials Development with an interest in designing culturally relevant and resurgent curriculum. Recently, she has been involved in developing lessons for OpenSciEd and in creating place-based units for the NSF-funded project Place-Based Learning for Elementary Science at Scale.
Candice graduated from Purdue University with a BS in Biological Sciences and a MS in Ecology and Evolution and with a PhD from University of California, Davis where she worked with Dr. Cynthia Passmore and Dr. Julia Gouvea to design MBER Biology and research teachers’ experiences in learning and teaching modeling. In total, she has over fifteen years of experience in education, including as an informal science outreach educator and professional development coordinator at Purdue University, an elementary science specialist at a K-8 school in San Francisco, and an Assistant Professor of Science Education at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Candice lives in Reno, Nevada, and outside of her work at BSCS, she spends her time hiking and skiing in the Sierra Nevadas. If she’s not in the mountains, she is traveling to other states and countries sampling local beers and spirits.