Dennis Lee

Research Scientist, Staff Advocate
Dennis Lee is a Research Scientist and joined the BSCS Science Learning team in 2020. He is interested in how biology students know what they know and why they believe it. Dennis holds a BAs from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Zoology and Bacteriology, a MS from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Bacteriology, and a PhD from Clemson University in Engineering and Science Education.
In his free time, he likes to unwind by playing a round of disc golf, playing violin with his family, and pushing wargame miniatures around a table while rolling dice and making pew-pew noises.
Selected Publications
Lee, D. M., Kennedy, C., & Benson, L. C. (In Preparation). Students’ epistemic practices during argumentation in a course-based undergraduate research experience.
Lee, D. M., Weindling, M., Syed, A., & Donovan, B. M. (In Preparation). Treatment Effect Heterogeneity and its Implications for Reducing Belief in Genetic Essentialism Through Genetics Instruction.
Faber, C. J., Kajfez, R. L., Lee, D. M., Benson, L. C., Kennedy, M. S., & Creamer, E. G. (2022). A grounded theory model of the dynamics of undergraduate engineering students’ researcher identity and epistemic thinking. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59(4), 529–560.
Kajfez, R., Lee, D., Ehlert, K., Faber, C., Benson, L., & Kennedy, M. (2021). A Mixed Method Approach to Understanding Researcher Identity. Studies in Engineering Education, 2(1), 1–15.
Lee, D., Wright, M., Faber, C., Kennedy, C., & Dittrich-Reed, D. (2021). Participation in Biology Education Research Influences Students’ Epistemic Development. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(4), ar58.
Donovan, B. M., Weindling, M., & Lee, D. M. (2020). From Basic to Humane Genomics Literacy. Science & Education, 1479–1511.
Faber, C. J., Kajfez, R. L., McAlister, A. M., Ehlert, K. M., Lee, D. M., Kennedy, M. S., & Benson, L. C. (2020). Undergraduate engineering students’ perceptions of research and researchers. Journal of Engineering Education, 109, 780–800.