Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Zoë Buck Bracey


Senior Science Educator, Director, Learning for a Just and Sustainable Future

Zoë E. Buck Bracey is a Senior Science Educator, and Director, Learning for a Just and Sustainable Future at BSCS Science Learning. Zoë works across curriculum development, professional learning, and research at BSCS, with a focus on re-framing the endeavor of science education as a tool for equity and social/environmental justice. Zoë’s science background is in astronomy and physics, and Zoë is currently the Physics Course Lead for the OpenSciEd High School Developer’s Consortium. She is currently co-PI on a grant to close the internship access gap for community college students in collaboration with Hartnell Community College and on another grant to understand the efficacy of OpenSciEd Middle School in collaboration with AIR and Southern University in Baton Rouge. She has taught astronomy in informal spaces and community college and education at the undergraduate level. Her work has been published in Science Education, the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, the Journal of Science Teacher Education, Science & Education, and Cultural Studies in Science Education. Zoë co-founded the BSCS Equity and Social Justice working group in 2018 and organizes the annual BSCS family science nights. She is also a member of the board of directors for the Pikes Peak Observatory. She lives in Colorado Springs with her husband and two kids. She enjoys being outside with her friends and family when it’s nice out and being inside with her friends and family when it’s even mildly cold.

Selected Publications

Buck Bracey, Z. E., Stuhlsatz, M., Santiago, M., Cheuk, T., … & Osborne, J. (in prep). Bias and EL designation in automated scoring of student argumentation.

Donovan, B. M., Semmens, R., Keck, P., Brimhall, E., Busch, K. C., Weindling, M., Duncan, A., Stuhlsatz, M., Buck Bracey, Z. E. … & Kowalski, S. (2019). Toward a more humane genetics education: Learning about the social and quantitative complexities of human genetic variation research could reduce racial bias in adolescent and adult populations. Science Education, 103(3), 529-560.

Donovan, B. M., Stuhlsatz, M., Edelson, D. C., & Buck Bracey, Z. E. (2019). Gendered genetics: How reading about the genetic basis of sex differences in biology textbooks could affect beliefs associated with science gender disparities. Science Education, 103(4), 719-749.

Buck Bracey, Z. (2017). Personal Universes: revealing community college students’ competences though their organization of the cosmos. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 13, 925–944.

Buck Bracey, Z. E. (2017). Students from non‐dominant linguistic backgrounds making sense of cosmology visualizations. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54(1), 29-57.

Bean, J. R., Stuhlsatz, M., Bracey, Z. B., & Marshall, C. R. (2017, December). Teaching Climate Change Using System Models: An Understanding Global Change Project Pilot Study. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Buck, Z. E., Lee, H.-S., & Flores, J. (2014). I Am Sure There May Be a Planet There: Student articulation of uncertainty in argumentation tasks. International Journal of Science Education, 36(14), 2391-2420.

Lee, H.-S., Liu, O. L., Pallant, A., Roohr, K. C., Pryputniewicz, S., & Buck, Z. E. (2014), Assessment of uncertainty-infused scientific argumentation. J. Res. Sci. Teach., 51(5): 581–605.

Jiang, L., Fan, X., Bian, F., McGreer, I. D., Strauss, M. A., Annis, J., Buck, Z. E., … & Richards, G. (2014). The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 Imaging Data: Depth-Optimized Co-adds Over 300 Deg^2 in Five Filters. arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.7382.

Buck, Z. E. (2013). The Effect of Color Choice on Learner Interpretation of a Cosmology Visualization. Astronomy Education Review, 12(1), 010104.