Strategic Initiatives

Following a strategic planning process in 2016, BSCS Science Learning is pursuing three long-term, strategic initiatives.
21st Century High School Biology. We are launching an effort to reconceive high school biology to meet the needs of our students and society throughout the 21st century. As we convene scientists, educators, curriculum writers, community members, and advisors, we are exploring foundational questions, beginning with this one: What knowledge and skills in the life sciences will all students need for their lives and careers in the next 10-20 years?
“VIP” Professional Learning for 21st Century Teaching. We are committed to bringing our transformative Video-based Inquiry-into-Practice (VIP) professional learning model to a broad audience of K-12 science teachers. Through more than a decade of research and development on our STeLLA® professional learning program, we have documented the power of VIP professional learning to change teacher practice and improve student outcomes. We are exploring implementation and business models for nationwide dissemination.
Equity & Social Justice. BSCS believes that science learning should be inclusive, meaningful, and advance the work of social and environmental justice. We launched the Equity & Social Justice Initiative (ESJI) in 2018 to define our role and take action toward redressing inequity and injustice in STEM, and in the world at large, through science education. Our commitment to equity and social justice is central to our mission and at the heart of everything we do.