Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Professional Development Provider Institutes

Each Professional Development Provider Institute (PDPI) is a four-day experience designed to support you as a PD provider by deepening your knowledge, increasing your confidence, and enhancing your abilities.

The goals of the series are to:

  • enhance knowledge of research and literature underpinning the NGSS and increase ability to support teachers as they translate research into the classroom;
  • deepen understanding of three-dimensional learning as described in NRC’s Framework and the NGSS;
  • increase capacity to support teachers in using routines, strategies, tools, and processes for enacting three-dimensional learning experiences with students; and
  • strengthen ability to design and lead professional learning programs that support teachers in taking on the instructional shifts called for in NRC’s Framework and the NGSS.

Who should participate?

  • District science leaders
  • Teacher leaders
  • Science consultants
  • University faculty
  • PD leaders from informal science education institutions

What are the benefits?

By participating in this Institute, PD providers will:

  • enhance knowledge of research and literature underpinning the NGSS and increase ability to support teachers as they translate research into the classroom;
  • deepen their understanding of all eight scientific and engineering practices laid out in the NGSS; and
  • be part of a community that can support PD providers’ work.

After participating in the program, PD providers will be able to:

  • plan, lead, and evaluate workshops that help teachers enact three-dimensional teaching and learning in their classrooms;
  • use a variety of “close-to-the-classroom” routines and strategies to support teachers in strengthening their classroom practice;
  • monitor and adjust plans based on data and understandings about leading change; and
  • increase intentionality in leadership practices.
I attended my first PDPI skeptically after NGSS rolled out, but soon realized this is what I had been looking for my entire career. My colleagues started joining me and eventually we began hosting our own versions of PDPIs back in our districts. We had 250 teachers signing up each summer. Several teachers became teacher leaders, and together we changed the dialogue around NGSS. Our conversations about teaching/learning and standards grew from uninformed to incredibly nuanced. We dove deeply into what it means to engage. And in some cases, we saw real transformation in science teaching and student achievement. -- Heather Murphy, Teacher Leader, Santa Cruz, California