Case Studies
Many studies show the positive impact teacher professional learning can have on participating teachers. Studies of STeLLA professional learning go an important step further. These studies show that STeLLA significantly impacts both science teaching and student achievement in science.
BSCS’s STeLLA Colorado study is a prime example. And it has laid the groundwork for STeLLA’s continued development and expansion over the years.
About STeLLA Colorado
Research Study:
- 144 Teachers
- 2,800 Students
- 16 Colorado Districts

What We Studied
- STeLLA’s impact on 4th and 5th grade teachers and students.
What We Found
- Both STeLLA teachers and their students scored higher on tests of science content knowledge (see graph)!
- Teacher classroom practice also improved significantly.
What This Means
Students with teachers in STeLLA were over a year ahead in science, compared with students of teachers in the comparison program. In other words, STeLLA both improved and accelerated student learning!
Development and Expansion of STeLLA
Following STeLLA CO, we believed there was a huge opportunity to refine, test, and expand STeLLA’s impact across contexts and grade levels. And that’s exactly what we’ve done.
Here are two of many examples.
STeLLA Online
A few years ago, we wondered: would a fully online version of STeLLA be just as effective as our proven in-person version?
Research Study:
4th and 5th Grades
- 41 Teachers
- 800 Students
- 15 States
What We Studied
STeLLA Online’s impact on 4th and 5th grade teachers and students, in comparison to the impact of in-person STeLLA.
What We Found
- STeLLA Online significantly impacted student learning.
- Both STeLLA Online teachers and their students scored higher on tests of science content knowledge.
- Teacher pedagogical content knowledge and classroom practice improved significantly during STeLLA Online.
- And there is no significant difference between the impact of STeLLA Online and in-person STeLLA.
What This Means
Today, we are only reaching a fraction of the teachers and students across the country we could be reaching with STeLLA. STeLLA Online works! And now, we can offer this highly effective and fully online professional learning program at one-third the cost of in-person STeLLA – allowing us to reach more teachers and students than ever.
Bring STeLLA Online to your district or school today!
Learn MoreSTeLLA High School
BSCS has demonstrated that STeLLA works in-person and online at the elementary level. In another study, we wondered: would STeLLA have an impact on high school science teachers and students?
Research Study:
24 Teachers (1/3 of JCPS’s biology teachers)
- 1,500 Students
- 1 District: JCPS
What We Studied
STeLLA’s impact on Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) biology teachers and students.
What We Found
- STeLLA High School significantly impacted teacher pedagogical content knowledge and classroom practice.
- Students had significant gains in their science content knowledge and abilities to reason, use models effectively, and construct explanations and arguments.
What This Means
STeLLA is effective at the high school level. District and school leaders who are looking to re-engage high school students may find STeLLA particularly valuable at this time.