In Loving Memory of Ed Drexler: Pioneer for BSCS
Henry “Ed” Drexler was a pioneer of BSCS textbooks and beloved high school biology teacher for 67 years. He dedicated his career to tapping into the inquisitive spirits of students through meaningful biology education, and remained closely connected to BSCS through it all.
Support Today’s Science Educators and Learners
It’s been an eventful year at BSCS Science Learning. This spring, we released two major instructional materials programs for middle and high school students nationwide, including our new flagship biology program, BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life.
Help Us Ensure All Students from All Backgrounds are Prepared for Life in the 21st Century
At BSCS, we believe science education is the key. We have a 60-year history of research-driven innovation. And right now, we are focused on bringing our programs to districts and schools that are being left behind.
BSCS Science Learning Publishes Research Findings, Tools, and Data Sets Related to Student and Teacher Outcomes in Science
Throughout an 8-year line of work, BSCS reviewed hundreds of studies in science education and analyzed how various study characteristics impacted results.
$3 Million Federal Grant to Impact Colorado Science Teacher Preparation
A federal grant was awarded to BSCS Science Learning and will fund a five-year STeLLA CO2 project, starting this month in partnership with University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; and University of Northern Colorado, Greeley.